A downloadable Swap Time

It's a Top-Down BulletHell Shooter. You get experince for defeating enemies and every level you are given a choice of 2 upgrades. Selected upgrade will be applied to you, while the one, which was not selected will be applied to all of your enemies. Every 20 seconds you swap all of your previous upgrades with your enemies.

I had other ideas, like giving players a strong upgrade every 5 levels (for example a shield or a bounce to bullets) or giving the players the ability to lock one of the upgrades, so that it won't be swapped, but I wasn't sure about those ideas and decided to post the game as it is. If you have any suggestions, please leave them in the comments, because I will maybe work on this game more, if I will find interesting ways to improve this idea.

I din't create the music. Here is the link to the used track: https://opengameart.org/content/super-synth-squadron


SwapTime.zip 32 MB

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